Friday, March 29, 2013

A Frank Introduction


I created this blog to share what I know about computer engineering.  It's not my first blog, but the other one is personal, random, and infrequently updated.  This one will be professional, random, and infrequently updated.

There is so much helpful information out there on the Web that I feel the need to give some back.  I don't expect My Stuff to bubble up into anybody's Google-page-1 search results, but maybe -- just maybe -- I can bail out that person who's in a jam and needs a tip.  I'll also jabber uselessly about related topics and generally wander around in the fashion of an ADHD techie, as I'm sure you're expecting by now.

Speaking of introductions, I'm a Linux systems engineer living in the Washington DC metro.  I am proud to say that I've been employed in this field after getting nothing better than a two-year vocational degree in electronics back in 1982.  Maybe sometime we'll talk about the luck of the draw and being in the right place at the right time.

Until then, thanks for the skim!  Next, I'll be discussing the memories from my first technical interview in ten years, I'm not counting the one I should have had but didn't have for my current job.


Oh!  The name of the blog.  I'll explain.

Really, I'm the eternal rookie at everything I do.  There's no getting around it.  I'm fascinated by how things work and I love to learn, but I really never attained that critical level of focus, understanding, and achievement that truly distinguishes the master from the apprentice.  I am gifted with only modest intelligence. That, combined with insatiable curiosity and a desire to be creative, results in a willing and not completely stupid amateur.

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